ISO 9001 is an international standard that is maintained by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). It helps to monitor and improve Quality Management Systems (QMS) within a business. By providing a framework with which a company can effectively manage both manual processes and IT systems, ISO 9001 ensures a common sense approach to business management. This in turn creates an environment where improvements can be made to increase customer satisfaction.
Through ISOQAR, Arden Winch became ISO 9001:2008 certified back in 2011. This demonstrates our commitment to continually improve the service we provide to our customers. Our performance is constantly monitored and audited annually to ensure our level of service is maintained or improved upon to meet customers’ ever-changing requirements. As an aside to ISO 9001, we also endeavour to continually find the best prevailing products and prices so they can be passed onto our customers.
To view our ISO 9001 certificate, please click here.